Unakite : Found & Tumbled
“What comes together, belongs together.”
Unakite! These are straight from hours with feet in cold water and warm sand, and weeks of tumbling. I’ve loved learning about the stones around me here in my habitat. I’m always doing my best to use what’s close to me in my magick for myself and you all. I shouldn’t have favorites, but Unakite holds a special place in my heart and a nearly daily place in my pocket.
Unakite is a precious stone that was created by hydrothermal (heated water in the earth’s crust) activity and was left behind in this area by glaciers. It is a blend of green Epidote, pinkish/reddish Feldspar or Jasper, and Quartz (with some other things occasionally showing up too).
The variety of combinations is so beautiful and gives a moss on brick sort of vibe. Very autumnal in tone. Because it blends a few elements, the energies of all of those can be used. In fact, this blending of energy and minerals is said to symbolize “what comes together, belongs together”. And I just love that for a holiday of thanksgiving and gratitude.
I’m presenting Unakite with Mabon for its help in balancing the body and emotions. Since Mabon falls on the Autumn Equinox and has a similar energy of Balance, like the Spring Equinox, I felt that these beauties would be wonderful to share at this time.
Unakite is often used when working with the heart chakra, as it is strong with compassionate energy. This makes it a wonderful mood lifter and emotion balancer. Hence the hearts!
It is a friend when you are feeling overwhelmed or sensitive, also making it beneficial for kids and those with sensory issues. In fact, having a bowl of Unakite in your space is said to bring a calming energy that combats the fuzzy electrical energy of screens and devices.
The Unakite will come in a few varieties: large altar size, medium ritual size, small pocket size, craft vial, and big puffy hearts!
+ Altar Size: large enough to be a decorative and powerful piece.
+ Ritual Size: a more medium size, well suited for crystal grids and rituals.
+ Pocket Size: you got it, stick these in your pocket for daily use.
+ Ritual Vial: these are tinier pieces that are perfect for magical crafting, like when making candles.
+ Puffy Heart!
{This product was lovingly created from my home and sacred space out of responsibly harvested, natural ingredients in small batches. It has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not meant to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Use at your own risk.}