Dance of the Roses Balm
Dance of the Roses Balm. This is a very special balm to me. It was made for a light-in-this-world woman and infused slowly, in no rush. A restful infusion you could say. The nourishing oils and beeswax are full of Rose, Frankincense, Spruce, and Cottonwood.
These plants offer healing and soothing properties for skin, muscles, and joints. They offer love for ourselves and our healing processes. They offer sacred space for the work of rest and recuperation. They are ritual and magic in the mundane.
The Rose grew in my garden, the Cottonwood buds and Spruce resin were wild-harvested in the spring, and the Frankincense traveled many distances and yet still holds the moment of contact with you in reverence, as it relieves tension to open the moment up to a more sensual experience.
I’ve topped the tins with the Camunian Rose symbol. This symbol comes from the northern area of Italy, where it is found carved throughout the terrain. The carvings date back to the Iron Age (as old as 700 BC!). Archeologists theorize that it was initially a religious solar symbol representing astral movements through the heavens. Over time, the symbol became synonymous with fortune, good luck, and a long prosperous life.
And I leave you with these words by Carrie Newcomer that seemed to echo in my head as I made this ritual balm.
“Between here and now and forever
Is such precious little time
What we do in love and kindness
Is all we ever leave behind
Here I am without a message
Here I stand with empty hands
Just a spirit tired of wandering
Like a stranger in this land
Walking wide eyed through this world
Is the only way I've known
Wrapped in hope and good intentions
Bare to the bone”
What’s a ritual balm? Of course you can use any of my balms for skin healing, nourishing, and protection. But they have also been crafted to be used in ritual. Apply your balm before quiet times, after bathing, or before rituals to prepare yourself for the moment and invite in that specific energy. You can also use the balms to anoint candles and apply herbs, just like you would a consecrating oil.
{This product was lovingly created from my home and sacred space out of responsibly harvested, natural ingredients in small batches. It has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not meant to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Use at your own risk.}